About the Foundation

Be an Instrument of PEACE

The Franciscan Health Foundation exists to support the programs and services of Franciscan Alliance, Inc. We are dedicated to addressing the ever-growing healthcare needs of our communities and supporting patient needs at our not-for-profit hospitals, outpatient facilities and community-based programs throughout Indiana and South Suburban Chicago.

Inspired by St. Francis

Our foundress, Blessed Maria Theresia Bonzel, was drawn to the ideals of St. Francis of Assisi, who left a legacy of faith characterized by selfless giving and the spirit of love; he loved every person without measure or discrimination. Blessed Mother Maria Theresia extended the ideals of St. Francis to America when she sent six Sisters from Olpe, Germany to Lafayette, Indiana in 1875 to begin a ministry of healthcare and education for the poor and neglected.

St. Francis continues to be a source of inspiration as we “Continue Christ’s Ministry in our Franciscan tradition” by loving and caring for the unloved, the poor, the uncared for, the uninsured. We welcome all and provide the same high quality, compassionate care to everyone.

Walking in the footsteps of St. Francis, we remember his teachings: “For it is in giving that we receive.” Your gifts make a difference every day in the communities where Franciscan Alliance is privileged to serve.

Blessed Maria Theresia Bonzel

Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.


O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Franciscan Health Foundation Divisions

Franciscan Health Foundation Board of Trustees

Board of Directors

Sister Jane Marie Klein, OSF
Chairwoman & President

Sister Lethia Marie Leveille, OSF

Sister Karol Ann Hoefer, OSF

Kevin D. Leahy

Sister M. Ann Kathleen Magiera, OSF


Corporate Foundation


Caitlin A. Leahy, MHA
Senior Vice President

Gregory T. Pantale, MBA-HCM
Director of Grant Administration

Priscillar Mudari, MBA
Senior Accountant

Kalee Foreman
Grants Manager, South Suburban Chicago

Kelly Mager
Donor Database Manager

Sister Marilyn Oliver, O.S.F.
Director of Development

Marcia Saunders
Grants Manager, Central Indiana

Riley Thompson
Staff Accountant

Valerie Wagers
Accounting Clerk

Central Indiana

Board of Directors

John Stone
Board Chair
Nest Real Estate

Greg W. Allen
Board Vice Chair
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

John Newett
Board Secretary
Indiana Members Credit Union

Brian V. Biehn
Nominating Committee Board Chair
Habegger Corporation

Robert J. Brody

Michael Combs
Immediate Past Chair
National Bank of Indianapolis

Christopher B. Doehring, MD
Franciscan Health Indianapolis

Nancy Hancock

Pam L. Hickman
Patora Fine Jewelers

Dr. Patrcia H. Hughes
Community Volunteer

Sister Jane Marie Klein, O.S.F
President & Chairwoman, Franciscan Health Foundation

David M. Mandelbaum, MD

Michael J. Need, MD
Southeast Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Mercy Obeime, MD
Franciscan Alliance

Malcolm C. Pownall
First of America Bank (Retired)

Lori Price, RN, FACHE
President and CEO, Francisacn Health Central Indiana

Joseph F. Sergi
JP Morgan Chase (Retired)

Sister Marlene Shapley, O.S.F
Franciscan Health Carmel, Indianapolis, and Mooresville

Nalin M. Shah, MD
Franciscan Health (Retired)

Tom Vander Luitgaren
Van Valer Law Firm

Sanjay Vyas, DO
Indiana Internal Medicine Consultants


Greg Williamson
Executive Director

Kelle Neibert
Development Associate

Mindi Fox
Director of Development

Dawn Trader
Administrative Assistant

Northern Indiana

Board of Directors

Kevin Keough
Board Chair
Franciscan Regional Board Member & Keough Mechanical Corporation

Karen Briggs, D.O.
Board Vice Chair
Ophthalmology Specialist

Pete Monger
Board Secretary
Rothschild Insurance Agency

Joe Allegretti
Franciscan Divisional Board Member & Retired Pharmacist

Barbara Anderson
Retired Franciscan Health President & Chief Executive Officer

Frank Bertucci
Nationwide Credit & Collection, Inc./Collection Systems, Inc.

Anil Chawla, M.D.
Vice President, Medical Affairs
Franciscan Health Michigan City

Melissa Contrucci
Centier Bank

Amy Herron
Chief Financial Officer
Franciscan Health Crown Point & Michigan City

Jennifer Hogberg
Sales Empowerment Group

Sister Jane Marie Klein, OSF
President & Chairwoman, Franciscan Health Foundation

Caitlin Leahy
Senior Vice President
Franciscan Health Foundation & Community Improvement

Dean Mazzoni
President & Chief Executive Officer
Franciscan Health Dyer/Munster & Michigan City

Daniel McCormick, M.D.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Franciscan Health Crown Point

Sister Petra Nielsen, OSF
Senior Vice President, Mission Integration
Franciscan Health Crown Point & Michigan City

Pam Ott
Chief Financial Officer
Franciscan Health Dyer/Munster

Rob Szrom
Lakeshore Landscaping, Inc.

Jane Wallace
Write Now Communications & The Lake Forest Group

Sister Mary Augustine Warrell, OSF
Senior Vice President, Mission Integration
Franciscan Health Dyer/Munster

Ibrahim Zabaneh, M.D.
Vice President, Medical Affairs
Franciscan Health Dyer/Munster


Rick Peltier
Executive Director

Debbie Tatum
Director of Development

MinDee Richard
Director of Development

Michelle Hurst
Development Associate

Stephanie Guzman
Administrative Assistant

South Suburban Chicago

Board of Directors

Pamela A. Meyer
Board Chair
Retired Healthcare Consultant

Mark A. Fritsch, M.D.
Board Vice Chair
Consultants in Pathology, S.C.

Andrea Ramirez-Justin
Board Secretary
Old Plank Trail Community Bank

Kathleen Bewley-Thomas, D.O.
Specialty Physicians of Illinois

Terrence L. Brown
Chairman, Franciscan Regional Board

Michael Bruni
HUB Philanthropic Solutions

George Daly
The Horton Group

Nick DiGiovanni, Jr.
RevMD Partners

Raymond Grady
President and CEO
Franciscan Health Olympia Fields

Charlotte Kelly
Infant Jesus of Prague School

Rochelle Kemp

Sister Jane Marie Klein, OSF
President & Chairwoman, Franciscan Health Foundation

Sister M. Ruth Luthman, OSF
VP Mission Integration
Franciscan Health Olympia Fields

Rino Mancini
Innovative Retirement Associates /
Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network

Frank McHugh
Chief Financial Officer
Franciscan Health Olympia Fields

Pam Oliver
NBC 5 Chicago, Retired

William K. Payne, M.D.
Specialty Physicians of Illinois

George Perry
George Perry & Associates


Laurie Crosby
Executive Director

Regina Rivers
Development Associate

Ashley Myricks
Administrative Assistant

Western Indiana

Board of Directors

Sayde Uerkwitz
Board Chair
Purdue University
Wildcat Creek Tree Services, Inc.

Laura Vogler
Board Vice Chair
O'Drobinak & Nowaczyk, PC

Jacquie Dexter
Board Secretary
Community Volunteer

Nick Adler
Community Volunteer

Erin Albregts
Keller Williams

Tom Andrew
Topshelf Wood Packaging

Jackie Bahler
Community Volunteer

Nate Barrett
Twin City Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram Fiat

Melinda (Mindy) Beier
Morgan Stanley

Dr. Michael Bohlin
Hospitalist, Franciscan Health

Bob Dearing
Dearing Group

Jon DeSmet
Purdue Federal Credit Union

Sister Aline Schultz, O.S.F.
Franciscan Health Western Indiana

Jason Geddes
Franciscan Health Western Indiana

Sister Jane Marie Klein, O.S.F.
Emeritus & Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees, Franciscan Health Foundation

Kimberley Morisette
Huth Thompson

Dan Peter
Center Bank

Chris Scheurich
Community Volunteer

Terry E. Wilson
Franciscan Health Western Indiana

Jacquie Wright
Industrial Federal Credit Union


Javan Greeson
Executive Director

Jennifer Eberly
Director of Development

SeAyra Dupree
Development Associate

Cindy Benner
Administrative Assistant

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